Best Card
Discounted Credit Card Processing. Real Savings.

Service and Education
In addition to great rates, association members receive unparalleled customer service.
DO THE MATH. Take all of your processing fees on a statement, divide that number by the total dollars processed, and this is your effective rate. Example: $766 (fees) ÷ $19,488 (dollars processed) = 0.0393 or 3.93%. If your effective rate is higher than 2.0% you are possibly paying too much.
Per the October 2015 liability shift, your practice is at risk if you have not updated to new EMV “chip reading” technology. Association members receive a one-time $100 discount on new EMV terminals, with some available for as little as $259-100=$159 with 2-year warranty. Already have EMV equipment? Ask about the $100 signing bonus, deposited in your third month processing (pro-rated if processing is < $8,000/month).
Email or fax your recent credit card statement to or 866-717-7247 to receive a detailed no-obligation cost comparison and a $5 Amazon gift card. Call 877-739-3952 or visit to learn more.
*Average annual savings by Best Card dentists as of 6/2016. Annual savings for thousands of cost analyses completed over 10+ years averages $1,538/22%. Best Card is a registered ISO of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.,Walnut Creek, CA.