ALDA Governance


The Alabama Dental Association (ALDA) is a state constituent society of the American Dental Association (ADA). Alabama is in the Fifth District of the ADA, along with Mississippi and Georgia.  ADA and ALDA are governed by their respective House of Delegates and Board of Trustees.

ALDA House of Delegates

The member-elected House of Delegates meets at least 3 times annually with 2 of the meetings held during the ALDA Annual Session at the Gulf Coast Dental Conference (GCDC). The House of Delegates consists of voting members across our nine district component societies and ex-officio members, including the Dean of the UAB School of Dentistry, an officer of the Board of Dental Examiners of Alabama, a member from the Alabama Department of Public Health, and the ALDA Executive Director. The ALDA House of Delegates provides a forum for the discussion and resolution of dentistry-related issues and for the dissemination of information to its members. 

ALDA Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees consists of the ALDA Executive Committee, trustees from each component society, ADA Delegates, the Dean of the UAB School of Dentistry, the State Dental Director of the Alabama Department of Public Health, a representative of the Alabama Dental Society, an officer of the Board of Dental Examiners of Alabama, and the ALDA Executive Director. The Board of Trustees sets policies to guide the Alabama Dental Association in its directives and in meeting the goals of its strategic plan. The Board meets four times annually.