Peer Review Program

The Alabama Dental Association’s Peer Review program is a voluntary mediation program. Please note your dentist may or may not choose to participate in mediation and the mediation is not a legally binding process. Your first recourse when you have a problem with your oral health care provider is to speak to him or her directly. If you are uncomfortable speaking with them on the phone, you should address your concerns in writing. This is usually the most effective and expedient way to resolve your issue. If you cannot resolve your issue with your dentist directly, peer review may be of assistance to you. Peer review can be a time consuming process. If you need medical assistance in the interim, you should seek the care of another oral health care provider. If your initial attempts at resolution with your dentist have been unsuccessful and you would like to try peer review as your next recourse, you may complete the form at the link below to begin the process and return it to:


Alabama Dental Association
Peer Review
836 Washington Ave
Montgomery, Alabama 36104